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snippet: map service for DEM and hillshade rasters of West Virginia
summary: map service for DEM and hillshade rasters of West Virginia
extent: [[-82.8166193076109,37.0797897450993],[-77.5528618951363,40.751082893419]]
accessInformation: WV SAMB
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: These DEMs consist of an array of elevations for ground positions at regularly spaced 3-meter intervals. They were created from mass points and breaklines collected as part of the Statewide Addressing and Mapping Board's mission. DEMs based on 24K scale quadrangle boundaries are available for download from the State Data Clearinghouse or offsite from the USGS Seamless Data Distribution System, 1/9th Arc Second, Natonal Elevation Dataset. The Statewide Addressing and Mapping Board (SAMB) contracted BAE SYSTEMS ADR to create a stereo photogrammetric-derived DTM from statewide spring 2003 aerial photography to support vertical elevation accuracies of +- 10 feet. The SAMB required its Project Management Team (Michael Baker Jr, Inc.) to perform independent quality assurance in order to certify final product acceptance. Baker used NSSDA automated and visual tests of attribute accuracy, logical consistency, completeness, and adherence to SAMB project data specifications. Using mass points and breaklines provided by the SAMB, the West Virginia GIS Technical Center worked in conjunction with the United States Geologic Survey to create raster elevation data at 3 meter (1/9th arc second) resolution compliant with National Elevation Dataset standards.
title: wv_hillshade_color_3m_SAMB_2003
type: Map Service
tags: ["wv","elevation","hillshade"]
culture: en-US
name: wv_hillshade_color_3m_SAMB_2003
guid: 88E483FD-7786-44F9-B612-3297551185D2
minScale: 0
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere