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snippet: The WV Flood Tool Open Space Preservation (OSP) service depicts flood-prone areas kept free of development as well as public protected lands
summary: The WV Flood Tool Open Space Preservation (OSP) service depicts flood-prone areas kept free of development as well as public protected lands
extent: [[-82.6105922194505,37.2688585537107],[-77.802018108255,40.6178318813284]]
accessInformation: WVGISTC
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["ArcGIS","ArcGIS Server","Data","Map Service","Service"]
description: The WVGISTC compiled data from multiple sources to create the Open Space Preservation (OSP) Lands map service. Keeping flood-prone areas free of development reduces exposure to risk and preserves natural floodplain functions. The following types of preserved open spaces are included: -Mitigated hazard buyout parcels -Public land - includes local and state parks, state forests, wildlife management areas -Private Land - The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Nature Preserves Update 2020-08-04: Updated parcel and centroid features with new data from Buckhannon. Update 2020-07-23: The Mitigated Hazard-prone Buyout parcel and centroid layers in the TOC were replcaed with new layers with additional symbols based on the Source attribute field. Features with WVGISTC as the source are considered un-verified and are assigned an orange colored point. Community-verified features are green.
title: floodTool_preservedOpenSpaces
type: Map Service
tags: ["WV","ProtectedLands","Open Preserved spaces","Flood Tool"]
culture: en-US
name: floodTool_preservedOpenSpaces
guid: 2F1F3B3F-CDA1-43A6-9774-3854F7A3A13F
minScale: 0
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere